When Should I Start Orthodontics for My Child?
July 25, 2022 Image Credit:Dental health is a significant concern for parents of growing children, and rightly so. If your child’s jaw or teeth are misaligned and grow incorrectly, they could struggle to perform even the most mundane tasks like eating, drinking, or speaking. Therefore, it is vital to invest in a good orthodontist from a young age to save your little one from such issues and ensure they grow up feeling confident and secure in their smile. But the question remains what the right time to start orthodontic treatment is? To avoid dental and overall health disorders, a child’s dental development must be monitored during growth. Experts at Kuhni Orthodontic Studio recommend that parents start investing in bi-annual dental checkups early on, by the age of 6 or 7. Most oral health issues arise during these years because children begin losing their baby teeth. If your kid’s jaw structure isn’t analyzed beforehand, the chances are that their adult teeth will grow in incorrectly, causing damage to their oral hygiene. That’s because once the jaw and teeth have adjusted to post-puberty positions, it is harder to adjust their alignment and help them regain proper structure. Crooked teeth can be the source of numerous concerns like under-and-over bites, lisps, chipped teeth, tooth decay, periodontitis, and gum disease. Parents who remain vigilant regarding their child’s health and prioritize dental checkups can easily save their little one from such suffering. With a professional’s assistance, you can ensure that your child’s dental growth is continuously monitored. Orthodontists are trained to recognize symptoms of poor oral health before they have grown to cause significant concerns. They can practice interceptive or preventative care, saving you tons of time and money down the line.