Your smile reflects your confidence, but dental issues can sometimes hold it back. Whether you’ve noticed subtle changes or persistent discomfort, certain signs indicate it's time to consider orthodontic care. Here’s a closer look at five key signs and why they matter.
1. Persistent Crowding
Crowded teeth not only make your smile uneven but also increase the risk of plaque buildup. For example, tight spaces between molars often trap food particles, leading to cavities. Modern options like Lake Shore braces can realign crowded teeth, improving both aesthetics and hygiene.
2. Noticeable Gaps
Gaps between teeth may seem minor, but they can impact speech and chewing efficiency. For instance, gaps can cause a whistle while speaking or improper bite alignment over time. Treatment through Lake Shore orthodontics ensures these gaps are professionally addressed.
3. Frequent Cheek Biting
Accidentally biting your cheeks or lips is more than just annoying—it’s a sign of misaligned teeth or an improper bite. Over time, this can cause irritation or even sores. An evaluation by a Lake Shore orthodontist can pinpoint the issue and provide effective solutions.
4. Protruding Teeth
Teeth that stick out are not just a cosmetic concern; they’re also more prone to chipping or injury. For instance, protruding front teeth are common in children and can lead to long-term complications without early intervention.
5. Jaw Pain or Clicking Sounds
If your jaw often clicks or feels sore, it could be linked to an uneven bite or TMJ disorder. Addressing this early can prevent further discomfort and improve jaw function.
Don’t let these signs hold you back from a healthier smile. At Kuhni Orthodontic Studio, we offer state-of-the-art Lake Shore braces and personalized care through expert Lake Shore orthodontics. Schedule a consultation today with our dedicated Lake Shore orthodontist and take the first step toward a smile you’ll love!