Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery is also known as jaw surgery. The procedure fixes skeletal and dental flaws. The primary focus is on misalignments of the jaws and teeth. 

When an immediate fix is necessary jaw surgery is usually the best way to do it. The surgery will fix the problem immediately and after a little down time everything will be better. 

Same goes for facial or mouth conditions that are too severe for orthodontics alone to fix. Leaving those conditions untreated can lead to chronic problems later in life. It’s better to deal with them than live with them.

Dr. Kuhni can refer you to some of the best maxillofacial surgeons in the state. He will work closely with them to create a plan for your surgery and make sure everything goes according to that plan.

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Benefits of Orthognathic Surgery

Benefits of orthognathic surgery don’t just include the way your smile looks. Below are a few other benefits:

  • Helps with sleep apnea
  • Makes it easier to bite and chew food
  • Can make it easier to speak
  • Restores symmetry to the face
  • Reduces the risk of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)

Improve Overall Oral Function

The main goal of orthognathic surgery is to improve overall oral function. This includes enhancing the ability to chew, speak, and breathe. 

It’s particularly beneficial for guests suffering from severe:

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Facial asymmetry

Improve Facial Aesthetics

While jaw surgery primarily fixes major functional issues, it can also boost facial aesthetics. Guests will walk away with a more symmetrical facial appearance.

Jaw Surgery Consultation

The Role of Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery plays a pivotal role in fixing problems that extend beyond the scope of conventional expert orthodontic treatments

While braces can correct many dental concerns, certain structural issues can require more intricate and comprehensive solutions, such as:

  • Severe bite misalignments
  • TMJ and other jaw problems
  • Speech impediments

By addressing both the form and function of the jaw and teeth, this specialized procedure enhances a guest’s overall well-being. 

It is a multidisciplinary approach that often involves a collaborative effort between an orthodontist, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and, at times, other dental and medical professionals. This collaboration ensures that patients receive holistic care tailored to their unique needs.

Dr. Kuhni’s Involvement in Orthognathic Surgery

While Dr. Kuhni does not perform orthognathic surgeries himself, he is important to the process. 

Dr. Kuhni serves as a critical link in identifying potential candidates for orthognathic surgery, providing essential pre-surgical orthodontic treatment to prepare the teeth and jaw, and overseeing the post-surgical orthodontic care required to refine and maintain the surgical results.

A seamless partnership between the orthodontist and the surgical team is paramount to the success of orthognathic surgery. 

Dr. Kuhni collaborates closely with oral and maxillofacial surgeons to ensure that patients receive comprehensive care that aligns with their specific needs. 

This collaboration guarantees that every step of the orthognathic surgery journey is orchestrated to perfection, ultimately resulting in life-changing outcomes for individuals facing intricate dental and skeletal concerns.

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Primary Objectives of Orthognathic Surgery

  • Restoring Proper Bite Alignment

    Orthognathic surgery is primarily employed to correct bite misalignments, ensuring that the upper and lower jaws fit together harmoniously. A well-aligned bite enhances chewing efficiency, reduces strain on the jaw muscles, and optimizes dental health.

  • Enhancing Chewing and Speaking Abilities

    Misaligned jaws can impede the ability to chew food properly and articulate speech clearly. Orthognathic surgery addresses these challenges, improving patients' ability to eat comfortably and communicate effectively.

  • Alleviating Pain from TMJ Disorders

    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can cause significant pain and discomfort. Orthognathic surgery can alleviate these symptoms by optimizing the alignment of the jaw joints and reducing stress on the TMJs.

  • Improving Facial Aesthetics

    Beyond functional improvements, orthognathic surgery can significantly enhance facial aesthetics. By repositioning the jaws, it can create better facial balance and proportion, resulting in a more harmonious and confident appearance.

Treatment of Sleep Apnea

Orthognathic surgery extends its benefits beyond dental and facial improvements; it also offers a lifeline to individuals suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). 

OSA is a sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep, leading to poor sleep quality and potential health risks. A key contributor to OSA is the structure of the jaw, as certain jaw configurations can obstruct the airway passage during sleep.

The connection between jaw structure and OSA lies in the positioning of the tongue and other soft tissues in the throat. In cases where the lower jaw is positioned too far back, it can compress the airway, causing breathing difficulties during sleep.

Orthognathic surgery presents a remarkable solution to this problem. By repositioning the jaw, specifically the lower jaw (mandible), forward, the airway passages can be significantly widened. This repositioning helps prevent the collapse of soft tissues in the throat that leads to airway obstruction. 

Consequently, patients experience improved airflow during sleep, reducing the frequency of apnea episodes and enhancing overall sleep quality.

Correcting the structural issue that contributes to sleep apnea through orthognathic surgery can be a life-changing experience. It offers individuals a long-term solution that not only addresses sleep apnea but also promotes better health and well-being by ensuring restful sleep.

Correcting Facial Asymmetries

Facial asymmetries can significantly impact an individual’s appearance and self-confidence. These asymmetries may result from:

  • Congenital conditions
  • Developmental irregularities
  • Traumatic injuries

While they can be emotionally distressing, the field of orthognathic surgery excels in addressing these concerns.

Orthognathic surgery involves meticulous planning and customization to correct facial asymmetries effectively. The procedure considers the unique characteristics of each patient’s face, striving to achieve symmetry, balance, and proportion in facial features. 

By addressing both functional and aesthetic aspects of facial asymmetry, orthognathic surgery provides patients with the opportunity to regain facial harmony and boost their self-esteem.

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Recovery and Aftercare

Managing Swelling and Discomfort

Swellings and discomfort are common experiences during the initial recovery phase. Effective management is crucial:

Addressing Swelling and Discomfort: Swelling and discomfort are expected during the initial stages of recovery. Patients are provided with guidance on managing these aspects, which may include using cold compresses, prescribed pain medication, and ample rest.

Recognizing Potential Complications: It is essential to educate patients on recognizing signs of potential complications. They should be aware of the importance of promptly communicating with their healthcare providers if any concerning symptoms arise. This proactive approach can ensure early intervention if necessary.

Dietary Adjustments for Healing

Guidance on dietary adjustments is vital for a smooth recovery:

Transitioning Diet: Patients are guided through the gradual transition from a liquid diet to soft foods. It is emphasized that they should avoid consuming hard, chewy, or sticky foods, as these can disrupt the surgical site or damage the hardware used during surgery.

Nutritious Options: Patients are suggested nutritious, easy-to-consume food options. These choices support the healing process while ensuring that patients maintain adequate caloric intake and hydration, which is crucial for recovery.

Oral Hygiene Practices Post-Surgery

Oral hygiene practices require modification after jaw surgery:

Modified Oral Hygiene: Patients are educated on the modifications needed for their oral hygiene practices. This may include using gentle brushing techniques, the potential use of special mouth rinses, and the avoidance of certain areas until cleared by the surgeon or orthodontist.

Critical Role of Oral Hygiene: The critical role of maintaining oral hygiene is stressed. Proper oral hygiene practices are essential to prevent infection and promote optimal healing of the surgical sites. Patients should understand the significance of adhering to these guidelines.

Long-Term Healing and Follow-Up Care

Long-term healing is a process that requires time and monitoring:

Duration of Healing: Guests are informed that while the initial recovery phase may take weeks, complete healing and the full integration of surgical changes can take several months to a year. This underscores the importance of patience during the healing process.

Regular Follow-Up Appointments: The significance of regular follow-up appointments with both the orthodontist and the surgeon is highlighted. These appointments serve multiple purposes, including monitoring healing progress, adjusting orthodontic appliances as needed, and ensuring the stability and success of the surgical outcome. 

Ongoing care and collaboration between the orthodontist and surgeon are essential for achieving the desired long-term results.

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Encouragement for Individuals with Potential Jaw-Related Concerns

If you or someone you know is experiencing jaw-related concerns, we encourage you to take the first step towards a brighter and more confident future. Don’t hesitate to consult with Dr. Kuhni and the rest of our staff for a comprehensive evaluation. 

Early detection and intervention are crucial. By seeking guidance and exploring treatment options, you can pave the way for a journey towards a better life.

Remember, orthognathic surgery is more than just a medical procedure; it’s a life-changing experience that can empower you to:

  • Smile brighter
  • Speak clearly
  • Enjoy confidence 

That comes with newfound facial symmetry and bite alignment. 

Your path to a transformed life begins with our first consultation, where you take control of your future and embrace the possibilities that orthognathic surgery has to offer.

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