This is a common question asked in orthodontic offices, but the answer is no! Braces cannot cause the teeth to fall out.
We understand why some patients get concerned. In the first few days after the braces are placed, the teeth begin to shift and feel loose. However, this is simply the normal pattern of tooth movement and the method that teeth use to cope with being moved by braces. Orthodontic patients may perceive their teeth and being loose or might even notice spaces opening up in teeth. While we understand why patients may get anxious about this, please know that it’s perfectly normal!
Research shows that the tooth movement that occurs with orthodontic treatment will cause small changes in the length and shape of the tooth roots. However, these changes are so minuscule that 98% of cases aren’t visible to the naked eye.
Root Shortening
In less than 2% of cases, some shortening of the tooth roots can occur during routine orthodontic treatment. The exact cause of this shortening isn’t known, but it’s believed to be a genetic predisposition. It’s also been linked to prolonged orthodontic treatment, especially those cases lasting more than 3 years in duration. This shouldn’t result in long-term problems for the teeth, but if you have questions or concerns, please talk to Dr. Kameron Kuhni. We want all of our patients to feel confident and comfortable with their orthodontic decisions.
To answer the original question, braces will not cause your teeth to loosen or fall out. If you are one of the rare cases where resorption (root shortening) occurs, Dr. Kuhni will closely monitor the tooth roots and advise you accordingly.
If you have questions or concerns about your braces, or if it’s time to schedule an orthodontic evaluation, please contact Kuhni Orthodontic Studio today. Our orthodontic office is located here in Spanish Fork, Utah.