Invisalign: Facts You Didn’t Know Before

October 26, 2021 Image Credit:

There are a large number of us out there that might have slightly misaligned or awkward teeth. This could be a reason for worry, as it lessens your self-confidence and can prompt numerous medical issues not too far off. Typically, there's a simple answer for this issue; braces. However, presently there's another new solution, Invisalign. So, let's go over a few facts regarding them.

Keep Your Aligners In

The primary tip is straightforward; you need to wear your Invisalign aligners consistently. This is the solitary way you'll get results and an ideal approach to see quick outcomes. Wearing them consistently will allow you to become more accustomed to having them in your mouth, and of course, this is how they work to straighten your teeth. Doctors propose you should only take them out if you need to brush your teeth, eat, or drink.

Adjust How You Speak

One of the sole downsides of Invisalign is that it can minorly affect your speech. When you receive your first set of aligners, you may find that you have a bit of a lisp when talking. However, this generally goes away after a few weeks. Just be sure to keep this in mind, so you will not be surprised when you first talk with your aligners in. Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid this, as it's simply a characteristic of having these things in your mouth.

Treatment Varies for Each Person

Before you start Invisalign, you should be aware of how long treatment is. Typically, it is around a year for most adults. However, this all relies upon the condition of your teeth which obviously varies with each individual. For example, if your teeth are only somewhat skewed, it may only take a couple of months. The more complex the treatment that is needed, the longer you will need to wear your aligners.   For more facts and information regarding Invisalign, please visit Kuhni Orthodontic Studio and meet with Dr. Kam Kuhni for further guidance.