Your smile reflects your confidence, but dental issues can sometimes hold it back. Whether you’ve noticed subtle changes or persistent discomfort, certain signs indicate it’s time to consider orthodontic care. Here’s a closer look at five key signs and why they matter. 1. Persistent Crowding Crowded teeth not only make your smile uneven but also […]
Geographic tongue is a condition of the tongue that can cause the tongue to look like a map of the continents on a globe. It is a benign condition and doctors aren’t sure why it occurs. Some studies have suggested that it may have a genetic component as it can be seen in family members. […]
July is a peak month for getting a doozy of a sunburn! If you have been out in the sun too long and ended up with a sunburn, you know how painful they can be. Sunburns cause red, tender skin and sometimes even result in blisters. And sunburns aren’t just painful, they can also be […]
The American Association of Orthodontics conducted a study that concluded that over 1/3rd of American adults were not happy with their smile or teeth. Additionally, crooked teeth were listed among the largest turn-offs for women and men in the U.S. Needless to say, confidence in your teeth and smile is very important. Crooked Teeth and […]
Nail biting can cause damage to your teeth in many ways but biting your nails while undergoing orthodontic treatment can create a whole other set of issues. Nail-biting is a nervous habit that can be brought on by boredom, stress, or other negative emotions. Around 15% of adults and 30% of kids bite their nails […]