Your smile reflects your confidence, but dental issues can sometimes hold it back. Whether you’ve noticed subtle changes or persistent discomfort, certain signs indicate it’s time to consider orthodontic care. Here’s a closer look at five key signs and why they matter. 1. Persistent Crowding Crowded teeth not only make your smile uneven but also […]
Snoring isn’t fun for anyone. It can be a nuisance to those near. But, it’s also a troublesome problem for those snoring as well. Dangerous symptoms can accompany long-term snoring: Increased risk of a heart attack Increased risk of a stroke Increased risk of other health problems Now that we’ve established the need to stop […]
A decade ago, braces were placed on teenage teeth and the occasional adult. But these days, kids seem to be getting orthodontic treatment earlier and earlier! Many parents wonder when is the right time to bring their child in for an evaluation. While there isn’t really a catchall answer to this question, there are a […]
If you’ve just received dental braces, it can be tough to know what is and is not ok to eat or drink. Brushing and flossing are an obvious part of your dental routine, but you may have questions about mouthwash and whether it’s safe to use during orthodontic treatment. BENEFITS OF MOUTHWASH Keeping your mouth […]
Society’s preference for straight, white smiles can make some people feel self-conscious and wanting a change. Getting perfectly aligned teeth is a bit of an investment, in both money and time. This is why mail-order teeth aligners have become so popular. However, the promise of less money in the short term is not worth the […]